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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

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AlimAdos - Cross-sectional study of dietary behaviours in adolescents

Head : Pardo Véronique

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2019


AlimAdos - Cross-sectional study of dietary behaviours in adolescents

Head : Pardo Véronique

Main objective

To understand the dietary habits of adolescents considering cultural differences and population mixing at work today in France.

Inclusion criteria

Be 12 to 19 years of age and live in the Alsace or Provence-Alpes-Côtes d'Azur region.

- Longitudinal General Population Study: Pulmonary Nodule Detection by Computed Tomography (CT) Scan

Head : Launoy Guy, Cancers et populations

Version 2


Last update : 01/01/2019


- Longitudinal General Population Study: Pulmonary Nodule Detection by Computed Tomography (CT) Scan

Head : Launoy Guy, Cancers et populations

Main objective

To prove that the presence of pulmonary nodules (by scan) increases the risk of developing lung cancer.
To prove that there is no relationship between exposure to asbestos and the risk of developing lung cancer.

Inclusion criteria

- Male or female;
- Not-working or retired.

ARISTOTE - Use of Fondaparinux in current clinical practice for thromboprophylaxis following major orthopedic surgery in France

Head : Leclerc-Zwirn Christel, Laboratoire GSK

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2019


ARISTOTE - Use of Fondaparinux in current clinical practice for thromboprophylaxis following major orthopedic surgery in France

Head : Leclerc-Zwirn Christel, Laboratoire GSK

Main objective

• Describe the actual conditions of use of ARIXTRA® 2.5 mg in routine practice after an orthopedic surgical intervention.
• Observe the frequency of occurrence of VTEs during the 6 weeks following the initiation of the treatment via ARIXTRA® 2.5 mg.
• Observe the frequency of occurrence of major bleeding during the 6 weeks following the initiation of the treatment via ARIXTRA® 2.5 mg.

Inclusion criteria

• Patients of at least 18 years of age.
• Patients hospitalized in orthopedic surgery and for whom a treatment via ARIXTRA® 2.5 mg is initiated.

TACTIC - The clinical presentations of high blood pressure in 2005 and its care in general practice

Head : Millet Véronique, Pfizer

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


TACTIC - The clinical presentations of high blood pressure in 2005 and its care in general practice

Head : Millet Véronique, Pfizer

Main objective

"Evaluate the distribution of the three clinical presentations of high blood pressure (family, metabolic or vascular hypertension) at general practitioners in 2005 in subjects treated or not treated for hypertension
- Evaluate the care of hypertensive subjects according to the various clinical presentations of high blood pressure (family, metabolic or vascular hypertension) diagnosed by general practitioners."

Inclusion criteria

"Male or female aged 18 years or older,
- Hypertensive subject consulting, regardless of the reason. The investigator should include 4 patients as follows:
- 2 hypertensive subjects treated for their hypertension 60 years or older
- 1 hypertensive subject treated for their hypertension under the age of 60 years
- 1 hypertensive subject not treated for their hypertension for at least 6 months.
- Subject accepting to participate in the survey."

ISICA - Case-Control Study on the Risk of Breast Cancer through Insulin Use

Head : Abenhaim Lucien
Grimaldi-Bensouda Lamiae, C121-SC of Vie-Pharma fourth group; U657 Pharmacoepidemiology and Evaluation of the Impact of Health Products on the Population—Pasteur Institute

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2019


ISICA - Case-Control Study on the Risk of Breast Cancer through Insulin Use

Head : Abenhaim Lucien
Grimaldi-Bensouda Lamiae, C121-SC of Vie-Pharma fourth group; U657 Pharmacoepidemiology and Evaluation of the Impact of Health Products on the Population—Pasteur Institute

Main objective

The aim is to assess the possible relation between using individual insulins (duration of exposure, administered dosage) and increased breast cancer risk.

Inclusion criteria

For case subjects:
– Breast cancer diagnosed between 01 January 2008 and 30 June 2009
– Diabetes confirmed by the patient and anaesthesia records.

For controls:
– No breast cancer
– Diabetes confirmed by the patient and anaesthesia records

- Evaluation of Immunochemical Faecal Occult Blood Tests for Colorectal Cancer Screening

Head : Launoy Guy, Cancers & Populations

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


- Evaluation of Immunochemical Faecal Occult Blood Tests for Colorectal Cancer Screening

Head : Launoy Guy, Cancers & Populations

Main objective

To demonstrate the use of immunochemical faecal occult blood tests for colorectal cancer screening.

Inclusion criteria

- Men or women - aged between 50 and 74 years old

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